Welcome to the FanficTalk archive! FanficTalk is a multi-fandom community of fanfiction authors and readers, with a strong focus on author feedback and inclusive writing.
We regret that we are no longer able to provide admin and technical support to these archives due to problems with the eFiction software which has not released an update or official support in many years.
The archives will remain online and accessible for as long as possible, but we will no longer be validating new chapters. If you are already a certified author you may continue to post on your author page, but please be aware that you may encounter issues with site usability that we will be unable to address.
Many of our authors have cross-posted ther fics to Archive of Our Own. Our community is still thriving on the FanficTalk forums, which are hosted on a separate server from the archives. Please come check us out!
We've recently welcomed two new members of staff here at FFT:
Prideofprewett has taken the role of Social Media Coordinator, and Goatspeed is our newest Archive Validator. We're so grateful to both of them!
It's November, and that can mean only one thing:
National Novel Writing Month!
Hop over to the forums to share your project and progress!
We're happy to share that blackballet has joined staff as our newest Activity Coordinator! She'll run the monthly forum activities (story & member of the month, forum challenge) and help us devise some upcoming winter events such as winter gift-giving and the next annual review event!